The least intelligent dogs in the world.


1) Shih tzu

2) Basset hound

3) Mastiff

4) Pekingese

5) Bloodhound

6) Borzoi

7) Chow chow

8) Bulldog

9) Basenji

10) Afghan Hund

  • In the initial learning requires about 30 to 40 repetitions to show signs of understanding the order.
  • It is often necessary about 100 repetitions of an exercise before giving a reliable result.
  • His response is slow and uneven.
  • After the learning is to have frequent recurrences if the results will be imperceptible as if they had never learned any exercise.
  • Some call these races as "impossible to teach".
  • The reaction to the first order is less than 25% of the time.
  • Sometimes give back to their owners, ignoring their orders or challenging its authority.

the more intelligent dog breeds of the world


Top Ten of the most intelligent breeds.

10) Cattle dog australian.

9) Rottweiler

8) Papillon

7) Labrador retriever

6) Shetland Sheepdog

5) Doberman pinscher

4) Golden retriever

3) German Shepherd

2) Poodle

1) Border collie

  • Need five exercises to understand new commands.
  • Show ability to remember without having to repeatedly practice tests.
  • They respond to the first order for 95% of the time at least.
  • They have a quick response even at a distance.
  • Learning being properly trained by relatively inexperienced coaches.


World's 'oldest dog' dies at 21


The dog who held the record as the world's oldest has died at 21 years old, her owners have said.

Chanel died on Friday aged 147 in "dog years", said owners Denice and Karl Shaughnessy, at her home in suburban New York state.

Guinness World Records officials presented Chanel with a certificate as the world's oldest dog at a birthday party in Manhattan last May.

Chanel was walked daily, her owners said, but also had unhealthy habits.

She enjoyed butter sticks and chocolate - usually feared to be toxic to dogs - Mrs Shaughnessy said.

"She once ate an entire bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and, you see, she lived to be 21, so go figure," Mrs Shaughnessy told Associated Press.

Chanel also liked wearing jumpers, as she was sensitive to the cold, the Shaughnessys said.


The couple attributed Chanel's longevity not to healthy living but to God.

"Dogs are God's angels sent here to look out for us," Mrs Shaughnessy said.

Mr Shaughnessy had nominated her for the title after noticing there was no record listed in Guinness World Records.

But there are rival contenders for Chanel's title - including Max, a dog in Louisiana whose owner, Janelle Derouen, has submitted documentation to Guinness apparently showing that he is 26.

Our dogs dream


Educational tips for your puppy.


When the puppy does not want a thing done, apply a corrective to that I realize that this behavior is associated with an unpleasant feeling. For example, you can sound a horn to the ground or throw a pileup that make noise.

When fighting

It is important that he fights at the right time, when you've caught in the act. Rebuke, then it serves no purpose not associated with action.

This rule has always applied that to get results and get the puppy learns that this behavior is linked to an unpleasant feeling.

Leave or not to climb the furniture or bed

If you are clear that when you do not want to grow up, you should always start from puppy prohibited. You enjoy their company sometimes in bed or on the sofa, why not have this delicious provarte pleasure, but only if you climb it and say it can never take the initiative

Teach him to walk with leash

First you must teach him to sit. You will be very good to control when passing another dog or when you peer at a traffic light:

* Get about 50 cm. front of a wall and placed the dog at half distance between the wall and you
* Teach a sweet, very close to the nose, above. Will be forced to throw your head back and the only comfortable position is sitting
* When sitting, repeated many times the word or command you've chosen to ask to sit (sit, sit, sit ...) and give the prize

Prior to the street with out a leash, should be used to carry collar at home.

Before opening the door to leave, it feels Order. Only when you are sitting, open the door you first come out, choosing the direction of the tour.

Teach him to walk at your side and stop at the same time as you, ie you watch outside the home.

Every time you pull the strap changes direction disoriented. If you always do for the first rides, the dog will learn to adapt to your step.

At first it is very expensive, but if learning is correct, the disfrutareis two walks the rest of his life.

The choice of a collar for walking

Asesórate well before you buy a necklace.

Faced with a serious behavioral problem consultation with a specialist, as the misuse of certain collars could cause physical and psychological damage in dogs.

How to prove who is the leader.


  • Do not ever respond to their demands for attention: ignore (nor look, nor speak, nor touch, nor even to inform him to desist). Once you have stopped to ask your attention, call everyone and give cuddles, caresses and play as you want. Although it sounds a bit harsh, the dog accepts being relegated to last place, without more, when you prove you're a good leader. In fact, for any dog is easier to live without the responsibility of leadership.

  • Do not give him food when you're still sitting at the table, because their interpretation is that interrupt your meal to give it to him.

  • Him to eat when the family is finished and the table is collected. The dog is always the last to eat. Stay away from the trough until it has finished.

  • Do not forget to upload their own initiative, to their beds or chairs, which are the places that correspond to who has the higher rank. If you want to go, you invite them to rise and then fall. In case of problems this fall, not again afford to have worked for your new leadership.

  • The leader always goes first through doorways, hallways, stairs ... If you stop the passage, dragging his feet walking bothering to lift.

  • It acts in the game beginning and end when you decide and how we play out in paragraph of the game. If you take the hand to mouth, playing, and pressed a sharp cry, be strong and fast enough so that, in most cases, you loose. Any attitude that goes beyond theirs, will interrupt the game.

  • Give many cuddles and caresses, but the initiative of the beginning and the end you must have.

As leader of the pack.


The difference between a puppy and an adult dog is the first that can actively influence their socialization, while an adult dog to be applied without physical therapy to correct those verbal or inappropriate behavior, either within or outside house.

Almost all the problems of aggressiveness, dominance, destruction or phobias can be treated successfully with specific therapies, which, depending on the nature and problems of the dog, and the character and lifestyle of the adopter's attitude with the family dog relevance becomes very significant.

Creating a safe environment for your dog, acting with him as you would a real pack of dogs, simulating its hierarchical structure and being a passionate leader, calmly and consistently, can start working. No matter how old you have the animal. If a dog is too old, the only thing that can happen is to take a little longer to get results because their behaviors are deeply ingrained.

How to face a re-education.

Like the puppy, you must follow the basis of:

  • Consistency in the application rules
  • Serenity and reflection before a problem
  • Mark of limits and rules from the beginning

With adults without discipline will have to start from the beginning, as if they were puppies.

You are the leader from day one.

- The dog provides to humans of the house as members of a herd in which he must find his place, which will always be the last

- From the first time, by consistent and calm, you have to send the messages necessary to understand that all humans are of the house above him, hierarchically speaking. This way you ensure that if one day the family is large, the new leader will be human and therefore worthy of respect and affection

- Believe a safe environment where he did not detect any threat, from any liability relégale and live happy and calm at home.

The walk your dog


Go walking, it sometimes becomes a nightmare because no doubt when the ride produces much anxiety in dogs: the yearning for a walk, resulting in pulling the strap. And Ian's dog ... it's ours! by not having brought up from a small walk.

In those dogs that are now adults, each time getting the dog for a walk, something that should be part of the routine must be quite ritual behavior. He put the necklace as eager to start running and screaming, the belt strips and tell NO!. Loud and clear, but nothing more. Wait till you feel.

When will be more calm, they can leave. The strap should not be tense ever. When you strip, you must give a strong pull and NO again and you stop. Return to calm, continue. I congratulate you if you walk by your side and relaxed. Each time you try to jerk, Suppress and you do sit down.

Before heading out to walk your dog is very important to bring a small bag with food. If you see that your dog is aggressive to strangers do not hesitate to give you pieces of food with every stranger who wants to know.

Try to keep your dog wherever you go: walking around the city, car travel, picnic and explore the particular neighborhood. When your dog is a puppy more than 4 months, be prepared to take many walks, so do not hesitate to offer rides and tours to help you socialize with other dogs and strangers.

To begin to educate your puppy

Before thinking about going anywhere, try this simple and effective exercise: put a little dog food in a bag and when it serves a walk, go give it a bit during the ride. Hold a grain of food in your hand, stay still and hope your dog feels. Ignore everything else that makes the dog, eventually he will sit. When you do, say "good dog!", And give a prize, it gives only a big step forward, stop and wait until your dog feels it again. Repeat it over and over again until your dog will immediately feel every time you stop. Now given two steps before you stop. Then take three steps and tries to stop, then 5, 8, 10, 20 ... and so on. Until then you have found your dog walk calmly at your side and watch and feel immediately and automatically every time you stop. You've trained all this in just one session and the only words you say are "good dog!"

Beware the dog in the street

Try to take a few minutes of rest in each tour. You may sit, relax or read a magazine and give your dog a chance to go and see the world go by. Find that carrying a stuffed toy your dog lie down quickly and remain calm. Remember: the street can be a horrifying place where the puppy may be afraid to surprise your dog. The best strategy is to prevent these problems, never assumed the sensitivity of having your dog noises. Instead, give your dog a piece of food every time you pass a large truck, a loud motorcycle, or child on a skateboard so your dog does not panic.

Try not to let your dog loose to run and play with other dogs without interruption, as it would get a dog that refused to come when you call. Instead, take your dog to dinner to the park and in between your game session as flames every minute or more and ask to sit for a couple of pieces of food. Your dog will soon capture the idea and your call will be answered.

Aggressive dog or aggressive owners?


rumors and ignorance have created a world of myths and legends about dangerous dogs.

Some of the features that "supposedly" share all dangerous dogs and we have all heard of it are:

* Dogs of breeds with strong prey drive: rottweiler, german shepherd, pitbull, Belgian shepherd malinois, etc..
* Dogs of breeds of dogs bred for fighting or hunting: pitbull, dogo argentino, american bulldog, tosa Inu, etc..
* Short-haired dogs. Strange as it sounds this is in some regulations on breeding and possession of dangerous dogs. ....................

* Dogs eyes. Supposedly, this is an indicator of emotional instability of the dog.
* Dogs big and powerful race.
* Dogs head wide and flattened snout.

The above list may not ever finish when you consider all the myths and legends that exist around the dangerous dogs, however, that list is enough to realize that all these dogs are only dangerous myths, and not are indicative of anything.

The objections of these features are:

* Thousands of dogs with strong prey drive are used to contribute to society, either as rescue dogs, therapy dogs, assistance dogs for the disabled and why not, dogs allowed
* The above is true for the breeds were originally bred for fighting and hunting. Unfortunately, there are still fighting dogs and that helps to maintain this myth
* The subject of dogs associated with short-haired dog is a dangerous stupidity or phobia of some legislators to the short-haired dogs
* The myth on the eyes and dangerous dogs has spread because some trainers and canine behaviourists, not knowing enough about genetics and animal behavior, have spread that idea based on incorrect interpretations on standards of race. There are hundreds of thousands of dogs with eyes that are not aggressive
* The bite of a large breed dog is obviously more powerful and harmful than that of a small race. However, dogs big and powerful does not necessarily bite more often. This depends on the education and socialization of the dog. Unfortunately, the bites of small dogs are often not reported and this has helped to propagate the idea that dogs are only dangerous in big races
* The head wide and flattened and the snout is not synonymous with dangerous dogs. Any responsible breeder of boxer will tell you that these dogs are extremely affectionate and playful, especially with the little ones at home.

Leaving aside the myths about the dangerous dogs, there is a real characteristic shared by all dogs dangerous irresponsible owners.

A poorly socialized dog, and without any education or training a dog is dangerous, regardless of race, size, eye color or other physical characteristic. Similarly, a mistreated dog may react aggressively out of fear, and must be handled with care.

It is therefore important that, before adopting or buying a dog, you reports on the psychological needs of this and carry out a good socialization and good training. Do not worry about existing myths are just that: myths.

Who is Cesar Millan?


Cesar Millan is a world-renowned dog behavior specialist, known for his uncanny ability to walk large packs of dogs at a time. Not only that but, from poodles to pit bulls, these now well-behaved canines have each been rehabilitated, rescued from a wide range of extreme behavior issues - anything from insecurity to severe 'red zone' aggression! ........................

Born and raised in Mexico, his blessed gift - a primal communion with nature - always came naturally to him, but his unique connection to canines became most noticeable around the age of 13. Everywhere Cesar went, there always seemed to be a swirl of dogs surrounding him. The locals gave him a nickname, "El Perrero" - Spanish for "The Dogman".

Cesar embraced this gift whole-heartedly, and he came to America to pursue his dream of becoming the greatest dog trainer in the world. He soon realized, though, that he was searching for something rather more profound than teaching dogs basic commands.

Heeding his grandfather's advice to 'never work against Mother Nature', Cesar acquired yet another pack of dogs. He passionately studied books on dog psychology, but it was through his own observation, awareness, and first hand experience that Cesar distilled his own formulas that clearly kept dogs balanced, calm, and submissive.
Cesar first captured the national spotlight when his National Geographic Channel series Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan premiered in 2004.

Pet Food Pantries Keeping Families Together


Pets are part of the family, there’s no doubt about that. For those out there having trouble feeding your dogs, don’t despair, there is help available. There are pet food pantries/soup kitchens across the country that are willing to lend a helping hand in these difficult times.

What are pet food pantries? They are places for pet owners to go where they can receive low or no cost food and supplies. The pantries owners will encourage or request recipients to donate time and/or skills to help out. It’s a win-win, owners are able to keep their beloved pets and give back to the community at the same time.

We have a local pantry, Daffy’s Pet Soup Kitchen, that was recently interviewed about what they do, and the difference their services can make.

LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. (MyFOX ATLANTA) - Many pet owners facing tough times have been forced to give up their beloved animals because they can’t afford to care for them. One Metro Atlanta non-profit group is offering a helping hand to those in need by giving away free pet food.

The tough economic times are taking a toll on man’s best friend. The rising gas and food prices coupled with the high rate of foreclosures in Georgia are having a direct affect on pets.

More people are looking for ways to cut corners and some have been forced to give up their beloved pets.

Daffy’s Pet Soup Kitchen is trying to help owners struggling to feed their cats and dogs by providing free pet food.

Donations of food and other pet supplies poured into a warehouse on Oakland Industrial Court in Lawrenceville Saturday afternoon.

Daffy’s, part of the SOS Club of Georgia, is spearheading the program.

“We normally would have to drive to [people's homes] to try to meet them, assist them. Now, we can get people coming in off the street. We can help 10 times the people we’ve been helping before,” said Wargo.

Through their efforts, Wargo said he hoped fewer people would be forced to give up their pets to get by.

“Keep more pets home with their families where they belong,” Wargo said.

Daffy’s is in the process of expanding their operations, they are about to open a third kitchen, and are looking to start five more pantries in the metro area. Another local pet pantry is Meals “FUR” Pets, they even have a “Pet Meals on Wheels” program. It assists qualifying individuals with loving pets in need. Elderly individuals with pets, disabled shut-ins with pets who are not able to feed their furry family members. Over 25,000 pounds of pet food passed thru Meals “FUR” Pets organization in 2007.

The two pet food pantries I’ve mentioned are both located in Georgia, but you can find one near you too. Sometimes it take a bit of searching, until recently there have been no national pet food pantry resources, just individual sites. Now there are two groups that are working on changing that, Save Our Pets Food Banks and the HSUS are working on compiling a national list of pet food banks. If anyone has a food pantry or knows of one, both sites have a place to add the name to their lists.

These resources are there for a reason, no one should ever feel ashamed asking for help. At one time or another everyone needs help, the only shame is not asking.

I want to thank Dogster member Christy for barking to me about pet food pantries, suggesting I help get the word out to those who may not know about this option. Christy’s niece is associated with For The Love Of A Pet food pantry and boutique. It’s a great organization located on Cape Cod and is hoping to eventually expand throughout Massachusetts.

Puppy Mill Dogs, Learn What Buying a Puppy Does to Dogs


Dog from a puppymill - parker

Best Friends is a rescue organization dedicated to helping animals that are from mills, unwanted, abused, etc. About a month or so ago Whispering Oaks Kennels in West Virginia surrendered close to 1000 dogs, mostly dachshunds and Best Friends came to the rescue. Please read this post to learn about why we should never buy from animals from pet stores, online, and most breeders. Please do not support mills (which means pet stores, most people do not know that) and adopt!

Parker is one in a thousand—literally. Our little brown Dachshund was one of nearly that many dogs and puppies surrendered by Whispering Oaks Kennel in Parkersburg, West Virginia last week. Until he was rescued, Parker lived in a rabbit hutch with three other dogs; it’s likely he never left that cage. Ever.

Until last week Parker’s sole purpose in life, his reason for being worthy of food every day in his owner’s eyes, was to make puppies. Whispering Oaks sold thousands of puppies online over the years, getting from $300 to over $700 per puppy. Customers had no idea that all the dogs lived in barns and rabbit hutches, because they were never allowed to see where the adult breeding dogs lived. And they couldn’t have known that their puppies may have had a dad like Parker.

I first met Parker last Sunday, when I was on a team of three whose job it was to go cage by cage and put an ID band on each and every dog. My volunteer partner Travis called the ID bands “the ticket out of here.” He and I went along methodically along with Deputy Shanna Modesitt to make sure we had tagged every dog in every cage, and then teams came along behind us and loaded the dogs in crates so they could be taken to the staging area where an army of rescue workers and volunteers waited. Parker was in a free-standing rabbit hutch-type cage outside. All the cages looked like they’d been slapped together with whatever scrap material the breeder could find. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to live in that cage every single day, with nowhere to get out of the sweltering heat, and nothing but a plywood box with no bedding to curl up in during the freezing winter.

Heavy welding gloves protected my hands, just in case we encountered a biting dog. I remember that Parker’s cage was especially tricky because the only way to access it was to lower a large wooden door, leaving a good two-foot hole for dogs to pop out of if they wanted to escape. Travis had the ID bands ready, and Deputy Modesitt was on the other side of the cage, shooing the dogs our way so we could reach them. All the dogs in the cages around us barked furiously at us—I don’t know that they’d ever seen so much action in their lives! I was able to hold one, then the next miniature Dachshund in the cage for Travis to put ID bands on them. And then from the other side of the cage Deputy Modesitt shouted over the barking, “DO NOT let this one bite you; he’s got horrible teeth!” I shouted back “okay!” and opened the wooden door one more time as a scruffy brown Dachshund with huge, snaggly brown and white teeth came zipping to our side of the cage, urged by Deputy Modesitt. He allowed me to pick him up without a fuss, Travis secured his ID collar around his neck, and we let him go back in the only cage he’d ever known.

Later, we found him at the staging area where he had been kept with his cage-mates. He’d likely need extensive dental care, and what better “poster dog” for the all-too common dental neglect found in puppy mill dogs? So he was one of the first dogs we directed Michelle to as she went around to select dogs to come back to Best Friends.

Before we loaded him into a travel crate on our van to come home to Utah, the only experience I’d had with Parker was taking him out of his cage at the puppy mill. But his personality soon presented itself—and what a personality he has! We stopped every few hours to get the dogs out of their cages, since we’d had to really pack them in to fit everyone in the van. My biggest fear was that we’d lose a dog, considering that they’d never ever been walked on a leash before, and probably hadn’t ever walked on the ground before. But little Parker handled it like a pro. He got so excited when we came to his travel crate, he’d SMILE with that crazy mug! Many dogs smile when they’re excited, wrinkling their noses and showing their teeth in a big grin. On Parker, that smile was quite a sight to behold. But what a great little guy.

Soon he was walking on the leash pretty well, sniffing the grass, and going potty outside like a good boy.

After nearly forty hours on the road, we finally arrived at the sanctuary where everyone got to meet Parker for the first time. I can’t wait to watch him blossom here with the care and love that he has deserved, but has been denied until now.

For more information about Best Friends Animal Society please visit their website,

Please educate people on the terrible attrocities that happen at puppy mills. We can stop this by not purchasing dogs but adopting instead. Please remember that for every dog that is purchased one dies in a shelter.

Just Wanted To Apologize


Hello everyone. Just wanted to apologize to anyone who visited animaloverdose over the last couple of days. We were unfortunately victims of a absolute scumbag who thought it would be clever to hack our site and change our homepage to some anti bush profanities. We have taken measures to try and prevent this happening again. We can only hope you understand!

Thought i’d share this picture with you to cheer you up! Please leave your captions in the comments box

Top Dog Breeds of 2008


Each year, the American Kennel Club compiles a list of the year’s most desired breeds. For 2008, I am happy to announce that the “top dog” (and reigning champ for the last 18 years) happens to be the breed closest to my heart: The Labrador Retriever:


The Labrador Retriever is the breed my family has chosen my entire life, so I can speak first hand about their ease with children, playful attitude, and loyalty. My nephews are toddlers and are quite fond of tail pulling, sitting on a sleeping dog, and ear tugging. My Labs take all the confusing displays of affection in stride, though their eyes sometimes indicate they are thinking, “Uh, can someone help me out here?” All joking aside, Labradors are well know as a family dog and are great around young children. In my experience, they also adapt very well to the other pets in a new home, which makes them a great addition to most household situations.

The Labrador is defined by its eagerness to please its owner which makes it an incredibly obedient dog, as well as a great student. They are easy to train and are extremely intelligent. What most people don’t know is that the Lab is also the most popular breed of assistance dog in the United States. Their intelligence makes them fantastic guide dogs for the blind, a great asset to police forces, and a much needed team member for many search-and-rescue teams. However, as the name indicates, they are best know for their talent of retreiving. That said, you are sure to find a new hunting buddy or fellow fisherman in this breed.

Now, without further ado…here are the remaining top 10:

2. Yorkshire Terrier

3. German Shepherd Dog

4. Golden Retriever

5. Beagle

6. Boxer

7. Dachshund

8. Bulldog

9. Poodle

10. Shih Tzu

In the first paragraph, I linked to the AKC’s descriptive entry on this great animal. I have also included links to descriptions for the other top 9 dogs. However, should you like to share your joyful experience with your own pup’s breed, comment away! There are plenty of breeds out there , and we’d love to hear great stories about all of them.

Eskimos sleeping with dogs!


Many people will tell you that it's a very bad habit to let your dogs get
into your bed. They say that it allows them to feel that they're the boss
and makes them push. Or they say that it's just bad manners.

However, it's a great way to lower your heating bills! Eskimos frequently
sleep with their dogs to keep warm. In fact, when the Eskimos want to call
a particular night really cold, they call it a "Three dog night!" meaning
that it takes three dogs to keep them warm!

There is some truth however, in the sayings of those who advise owners not
to let their dogs sleep with them. It really depends on the relationship
between owner and dog. Anxious, or neurotic dogs are spoiled by allowing
them on the bed at night, and in other cases, it may be just fine.

Sleeping dog

There's considerable debate over this issue, with some claiming that close
contact with pets is hazardous, and others claiming that it boosts your
immune system. My personal opinion is towards the latter, but you can never
tell how others are going to react.

As long as you know who is in charge!

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