The least intelligent dogs in the world.


1) Shih tzu

2) Basset hound

3) Mastiff

4) Pekingese

5) Bloodhound

6) Borzoi

7) Chow chow

8) Bulldog

9) Basenji

10) Afghan Hund

  • In the initial learning requires about 30 to 40 repetitions to show signs of understanding the order.
  • It is often necessary about 100 repetitions of an exercise before giving a reliable result.
  • His response is slow and uneven.
  • After the learning is to have frequent recurrences if the results will be imperceptible as if they had never learned any exercise.
  • Some call these races as "impossible to teach".
  • The reaction to the first order is less than 25% of the time.
  • Sometimes give back to their owners, ignoring their orders or challenging its authority.

the more intelligent dog breeds of the world


Top Ten of the most intelligent breeds.

10) Cattle dog australian.

9) Rottweiler

8) Papillon

7) Labrador retriever

6) Shetland Sheepdog

5) Doberman pinscher

4) Golden retriever

3) German Shepherd

2) Poodle

1) Border collie

  • Need five exercises to understand new commands.
  • Show ability to remember without having to repeatedly practice tests.
  • They respond to the first order for 95% of the time at least.
  • They have a quick response even at a distance.
  • Learning being properly trained by relatively inexperienced coaches.


World's 'oldest dog' dies at 21


The dog who held the record as the world's oldest has died at 21 years old, her owners have said.

Chanel died on Friday aged 147 in "dog years", said owners Denice and Karl Shaughnessy, at her home in suburban New York state.

Guinness World Records officials presented Chanel with a certificate as the world's oldest dog at a birthday party in Manhattan last May.

Chanel was walked daily, her owners said, but also had unhealthy habits.

She enjoyed butter sticks and chocolate - usually feared to be toxic to dogs - Mrs Shaughnessy said.

"She once ate an entire bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and, you see, she lived to be 21, so go figure," Mrs Shaughnessy told Associated Press.

Chanel also liked wearing jumpers, as she was sensitive to the cold, the Shaughnessys said.


The couple attributed Chanel's longevity not to healthy living but to God.

"Dogs are God's angels sent here to look out for us," Mrs Shaughnessy said.

Mr Shaughnessy had nominated her for the title after noticing there was no record listed in Guinness World Records.

But there are rival contenders for Chanel's title - including Max, a dog in Louisiana whose owner, Janelle Derouen, has submitted documentation to Guinness apparently showing that he is 26.

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