First night of puppy at home


It is assumed that you already have prepared everything at home that your beagle puppy will need, now the only thing missing is his presence to make sense of the whole process of preparation beforehand. Two things are essential at this time:

*For the puppy EVERYTHING is strange. We have separated from his siblings and mother, the bed in which he was born, and now ... come to a place that smells different, with people, and maybe some other pet.

*What happens in this first night will mark his subsequent conduct.

With this backdrop, it is quite likely that the puppy suffered after the change and feel exhausted a few hours of the night prudent. If you stand up later it is logical that becoming accustomed to this schedule for the next few days, and of course, it may not be the best for us and our neighbors. That's why it's best start since the first day of the puppy at home dialing patterns.

If we have opted for the cage (recommended), get the puppy in it, duly fitted out with a small blanket, but without shutting the door. The important thing is knowing that even if we ignore the puppy cry, this is critical. Do not you miss anything, simply because it's a puppy cries outside her litter, so we will not give in to their cries, we will not see it, much less the draw. We must be firm because in the end is sleep.

In doing so we are starting to educate, and over time we are glad of that.

When the puppy cries.


One of the first things you must take into account our puppy is its provenance, because the kind of litter that has happened in the early weeks of their lives says a lot of behavior that is going to have when you reach our home. This first night at the home of the pup is essential.

If you come from a hatchery, then it is safer not to have had contact with people, so the change will be traumatic, being easier than the puppy cry before its separation from the litter.

For his first night at home because we have everything ready: a bed with some old blanket can be worth anywhere close to us, or inside a cage suitable for puppies, even better. Despite all these preparations we have to prepare ourselves to cry, it is normal.

If you want to make it easier those first nights you can put on your bed or a watch Bed (make sure it is those who make tic-tac) wrapped in a shirt used yours. Ruidito the clock is to simulate the heartbeat of her mother, and the smell of your clothes will serve to soothe a little anxiety.

Considerations to educate the puppy (2)


In the teaching of the orders you have to be somewhat methodical, it's good to keep a sort of protocol, prepare the dog in an environment and space suitable for training, in order to seize the few minutes of "class" and they take as a daily routine more.

It is best to use a time and place in which we are alone with our puppy, if there is another person it should stand aside and avoid a distracting, so an empty room would be the ideal environment. To log on, we can use any word or phrase (school!, Class! ...), So we will have more predisposed in successive sessions and encouraged more will come.

It is also important to take before, and without him we see, the rewards that we will use in the training session, pudiéndolas to hide the pocket of his shirt. (In the pants the prize will be closer and it will smell before). With this simple protocol we will keep training as much as possible to concentrate our puppy during the 5 minutes that is going to take the class.

Considerations to educate the puppy (1)


Having a dog at home to live with the rest of the family, we must not only meet so loving, nice, and it is beautiful, but also it must carry well. This last quality does not come with the puppy at 100%, is the need to teach us.

Living with a dog is not trained as a video player and not knowing how to implement it, just give us satisfaction, is more or less attractive in the living room of the house but nothing more.

First we must clarify that the education to which we refer is the BASIC, because there are other more specific training (rides, competitions, hunting, dexterity ...) which usually begins when the dog is already practically an adult. So, while educating dogs 6 months to 6 years of age may give satisfactory results, whether it will be better trained before.

A puppy between 10 and 20 weeks is a "sponge", the imprint of anything that will teach you, because it has not yet begun to produce hormones, is focused on its own and will not be distracted with other things. We are their leader, we provide food, water, security .. that's why we are still around.

When you call your dog and not coming.


Something that really characterizes the dogs is their disobedience, they can become very obstinate. By calling your puppy you've probably frustrated sense, you've noticed that when you say "COME!" He will do, but ... the half hour.

They are well, well born, but you can make that change if you understand their nature.

Typically in such situations is that you end up acercándote to where he is, that's the error that you must not commit, because with that gesture your dog is learning that can dominate, and that is not what you want right? So it will be advisable to reverse the terms and teach your puppy who is in charge.

Starting to walk your puppy (2)


This is the continuation of a post which talks about how to raise the first of the puppy walks, once Sunderland all these vaccines that give protection. Previously it has been explained the simple adaptation collar, and today it is the turn to the most complicated part: the first ride with collar and leash.

What are we going to be inconvenient?: The refusal of the puppy to walk, because the belt is going to distract him, and it is going to feel uncomfortable with something he pulled.

Which might be the problem?: You, yes, I said good, because before the negatives of your dog to work and fear of hurting pulling the strap, cease and give you up, and think ... <

Starting to walk your puppy (1)


Every day owners' comments come a very desperate for not knowing how to address the education of her dog, and those with beagle is it an even more delicate, convinced that have met with race more difficult to educate.

One of the big advantages that the cub is already protected by their immunizations is that we can walk your dog, since the departures so far have been solely to make their needs. Our dog is going to face for the first time two new elements: belt. We must bear in mind that your first reaction is going to be surprised and here are some tips for making this experience is positive.

Let me tell you that this necklace first thing you buy your puppy obviously not going to be the definitive one, like the leash because your pet will grow enough in coming months to demand a greater and wider collar, leash and a more robust and thick.

In order to make the first trip is the least traumatic, we will soon get used to our puppy to the collar. That is why it is best ponérselo at home, without the belt, just before a session of games, so this experience will not be negative. Do not let that stop to nibble the collar, not scold him, just with what distract games. Having been playing around with it, because you can remove the collar, but NEVER take it away while trying to remove it, if they so distracted again. The next day repeat, so that more time be given to the collar.

El tercer día vuelves a ponerle el collar antes de la sesión de juegos, seguramente se pondrá muy contento al ver de nuevo el collar, ya que lo estará asociando con algo bueno. Después del juego no le quites el collar, déjalo con él puesto, pero obsérvalo por si intenta deshacerse de él, ya sabes, lo distraes con algo. Siempre es buena idea sacar al cachorro a que haga algún pipí después de jugar, así que haz lo propio con el tuyo: lo sacas fuera como siempre, pero esta vez con su collar puesto, y se lo quitas al regreso a casa.
En la segunda parte de este artículo ya le pondremos la correa.

Cesar Millan and the case of aggressive beagle. Only in Spanish.


This is true of the Beagle that Gizmo was very aggressive, or even its owners could caressing is very good but this only in Spanish but in the background is heard in English.

How to dispute the dog.


Should already know that the dog should always be fighting just when you're doing something you should not, if you do not then you will understand, will not do any good.

The way to wrangle, warn of, has to be done in the way that he better understands, and this is what qualified as did her mother. In the litter, the mother reprimands to get their pups by the neck (for the thick skin) and shaking so strong. Sure that once you've seen on TV, so that is what we have to do with your dog when you're taking something that should not, when you are so annoying bites, and so on.
Try to practice first with a cushion or pillow, you must do it with quick movements and shorter, and no more than a second, that simple. If you also tell him no, no! very angry in tone, the better. After squabble does not look, leave it as if it did not exist, and if the time comes to you from an almost submissive, make him a little caress. Do not be spiteful to him.

This practice should start as soon as possible, and even puppy, but if your dog is already grown even more're on time, just to be a bit less easy. Nor abuse, just let them when it really deserves.

Marking the rank to your dog.


A few days ago and described how on how to dispute something when your dog is doing badly, ideal for those occasions when it caught "in flagrante" something that should not be biting, with your shoes, put on foot to see what to eat of the table, etc ...

For this method to be truly effective your dog needs to know from whom comes the warning, because it can happen that notes that not even so much if you do, or who believe they're still games with him. You may also have noticed that in general you mascot you do not have any respect or fear.

Your dog is not going to teach him with making unnecessary punishment damage, hitting ... these are NOT ways. You have to learn that you're above his rank in the family, to the rank of the pack, and for that we must act in a language he understands.

This is accomplished with a technique that is to topple the animal belly up, put your hand on his chest and looking fixedly into my eyes. All this in a prompt and energetic, drawing the anger that you have caused your attitude, keeping an eye fixed on her eyes until it apart with his other hand, the latter is important because with this gesture, with this turn of his head We will be saying 'OK, understood, you win, you're my boss. " We will have at that moment a submissive dog.

The sooner you start to teach your puppy who is the boss, the easier it will be their education in other ways, and sure you will avoid many dislikes, but if your dog is too certain age and it is high time that we practice this exercise, though will not be as easy to do as if it is small. Nor should abuse this technique, you have to use in those cases where you see that he challenges you, because you get angry (mostly) or because you disobey something important.

When a dog is dominant?


because when we say that a dog is dominant we are also speaking to our level of leadership in this pack.

As a general rule, one might say that a dog that gives problems is a dog that has no leader, can not a dog with a dominant nature, but if your dog is dominant, most probably already started to show ways in the litter, with his brothers, being the most eaten and therefore the largest.

A dominant puppy will be distinguished by their behavior in your presence:

*Probably invade your space without asking permission, subiéndose over when you're sitting or lying down.

*To growl and threaten you if you want to remove something, either a toy or food, even with closer can only warn you.

*Not accept that he correct his bad behavior, and therefore you bark.

*When going out your puppy will be the first to cross the gate.

*During the walks that he will go ahead, throwing and going to where you think.

The list above shows clearly that you're not the leader of your dog, you should act to hold this position in the pack, but when it comes to a dog with a dominant change that will not be so easy because we are going to challenge more than once.

To be a leader does not require many secrets, it is true that there are people that find it less work, it is a matter of character. It has more to do with the way that you go to your dog with complete technical.

As being the leader of my dog?


Speaking of leadership within the flock is also talk of rank, as a dog for every member has its place, is something natural in them, and will always be those who want to occupy the first place, the so-called Alpha.

If you are the alpha in the pack is that you are the leader for your dog, and therefore his boss, which will lead to yet more of you, you will obey and follow every time. Since the post of leader is how best to educate your dog, that is why we must watch for early signs of dominance of our puppy, because if we lose the leadership we lose everything.

Nearly 100% of the problems owners have with their dogs, because they happen is the dog that ranks alpha. We care too much for caring and giving love, without paying attention to their attempts to climb positions in the rank, and then come the complaints.

The leadership must be imposed in each situation, both inside and outside home in the rides, correcting the dog every time you want to act as alpha, and especially marking the rank if challenges us, but not abused. The more orders you to teach our dog, the better, because that helps a lot to keep in a state of discipline, central to his upbringing.

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Afghan Hund.


Name RSCE: Galgo Afgano;
Name EKC: Afghan Hund;
Recognition: EKC Hound Group;
Color variation: All Colors.
Height: 25.2-29.6 inchs.


The Greyhound is one of the big dog breed more sophisticated, with a height of 25.2 to 29.6 inchs. This magnificent dog long coat comes from the mountains and plains of Afghanistan.

The Greyhound is one of the big dog breed more sophisticated, with a height of 63 to 74 cm. This magnificent dog long coat comes from the mountains and plains of Afghanistan.
With oriental features, their eyes not only look you unless you are going through, and reflect a reserved and dignified. A typical Afghan greyhound also expresses strength, and combines the speed and movement with great style. Although it is an extreme beauty, its coat needs very careful, and his personality can be difficult to master. Very typical of this breed, but not always present, is a ring at the end of the queue. Another feature is the area of short hair shaped saddle presented on the back. The careers of Afghans are a competitive sport that has many adherents.

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Name RSCE: Braco de Weimaraner;
Name EKC: Weimaraner;
Recognition: EKC Gundog Group;
Color variation: Liver/White, Black/white.
Height: 20.4 inchs.
weight: 22 - 24 kilograms.


It is known as "the grey ghost." This dog is at the source of big game, provablemente descended from some German breeds. as the game was diminishing was destined for various game birds and the recovery in the water. It is also a good dog company.
The eyes are different shades of amber or blue-grey.

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Spanish Water Dog, and has a gentle temperament.


Name RSCE: Springer Spaniel ingles;
Name EKC: Spanish Water Dog;
Recognition: EKC Gundog Group;
Color variation: White, Brown, White/Brown.
Height: 15.2 - 20 inchs.
weight: 10 - 12 kilograms.


It's a dog little known outside Spain and in some countries, although this has not been recognized yet adopted an official standard.
This dog is used for grazing in Spain but also to retrieve ducks and collect fish that escape from the nets.
In Spain this dog is used for grazing sheep, goats, and certain types of cattle. Their feet duck allow them to dive.
This dog is loyal and obedient, and has a gentle temperament.

Clic To Enlarge.

Springer Spaniel, Obedient and docile.


Name RSCE: Springer Spaniel ingles;
Name EKC: English Springer Spaniel;
Recognition: EKC Gundog Group;
Color variation: Liver/White, Black/white.
Height: 20.4 inchs.
weight: 22 - 24 kilograms.


The Springer is a traditional hunting dog in difficult terrain, is the hunting dog sports oldest.
It's a great breed, versatile whose initial goal was to find hunting and mobilize toward the net. It needs regular exercise to keep fit and not get bored.
This brees is usually good with other pets such as cats and ferrets, but in certain situations, they can not tolerate dogs of the same sex. However, the English springer spaniel is not suitable for households with birds as pets, because their natural instinct to hunt. As with all breeds, the dogs must come to get used to other pets and it's better to introduce two pets at home when they are both very young.

Clic To Enlarge.

Cocker Spaniel. Happy by Nature.


Name RSCE: Cocker Spaniel;
Name EKC: English Cocker Spaniel;
Recognition: EKC Gundog Group;
Color variation: many.
Height: 15.2 - 16.4 inchs.
weight: 12 - 15 kilograms.


The Cocker is one of the oldest breeds Spaniels, used for hunting quail and partridge.
He was accepted into the English Kennel Club in 1892, and club cocker spaniel has a temperament and affectionate lenient, but is full of energy.
It is a great pet for adults who can devote time the dog. Experts do not recommend children in homes where there are already some of these dogs have a tendency to bite. At least teach children that the dog must be respected and that is not a toy.

From an early age should define who is in charge at home, without abuse or physical shock, but neither let the dog bad upbringing. The obedience classes are necessary and should be started as soon as possible. These dogs like to remain on the company and its owners also have a task to develop. It means that you should not ignore and we must make you feel necessary. Its size is not very big lets you adapt well to life in apartment or house.

Labrador Retriever. Intelligent and obedience.


Name RSCE: Labrador Retriever;
Name EKC: Labrador Retriever;
Recognition: EKC Gundog Group;
Color variation: Yellow, chocolate, black.
Height: 21.6 - 22.8 inchs.
weight: 25 - 34 kilograms.


Originally from terranovay the coasts of groelandia, Labrador was used by fishermen to collect and pull fishing nets towards the shore.
Employed in the recovery of hunting and much appreciated as lazarillo and drug and explosive detector, is an excellent swimmer.
Noble, obedient, intelligent, playful with the boys and willing to endure all sorts of torture of children.
The Labrador Retriever is a dog of medium strong constitution and good muscles, but not excessive. The form is slightly square or rectangular: the length is equal to or slightly higher than the height. The body has a balanced structure that allows it to move without showing any effort. Have the attitude worthy of a dog exceptional work without aesthetic refinements.

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